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North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition logo.jpg
The mission of SHARE collaborator North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition is to improve stewardship by providing education and technical assistance to producers regarding regenerative and profitable grazing management and building conservation awareness by educating citizens and policy makers.
North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition SHARE Project
Outreach and Promotion of Regenerative Grazing Practices to Support
Soil Health and Economic Resilience


The project empowers ranchers to implement holistic management practices that promote soil health and the sustainability of North Dakota’s rangeland. The North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition, in partnership with agriculture and conservation organizations, hosts events with mentors to address local grazing resource concerns in communities across the state.






















From left, Dave Bauer, Jayce Doan, and Jay Reiser, all mentors with the

North Dakota Grazing Lands Coalition, speak during one of the group’s meetings.



Soil Health Alliance for Research and Engagement
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